Overview: This truly original tale about Zoey Redbird's journey as a special vampyre, (not vampire) fledgling. After battling a harsh home life with a demanding step father and weak mother, she learns she is marked while at school and the book takes off into a fantasy land at the House of night; the vampyre school that Marked kids attend. While going through the dreaded vampyre 'change' Zoey hopes to make all her classes and try not to die. There is romance, an arch enemy, a human admirerer and new friendship.

My Thoughts: I could tell you that Marked was just another vampire book, but to be frank, I would be lying. It isn't a twilight repeat or Interview with a Vampire take off. Although the book was obviously fiction, Zoey seemed very relatable and releastic, as well as the other characters. I'd say it was my vote for best vampire novel I've read this year. It was a breath of fresh air from the Twilight craze.

Four Stars:
8/19/2009 03:41:55 pm

I loved this book. It's ashame that P.C. made Zoey's life so screwed up :O

8/19/2009 03:43:34 pm

I have to give it props. It was a good vampire novel. It's in all the book stores now. It's weird because it's been out for years.... now that twilight is getting big, it seems like it is, too.


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